Ahmadiyya Terrorism Against Muslims
The following lines provide a detailed account of attacks by Ahmadiyya group members against an innocent Muslim family in Chak Number 79, Nawan Kote, Tehsil Safdarabad, District Sheikhupura, Pakistan. This village has approximately five thousand inhabitants, seven mosques, one church, and one Ahmadiyya place of worship.
Witness A1:
In this village, there have been thirty to thirty-five Ahmadi families since Pakistan came into existence. Before the formation of Pakistan, there may have been fewer. We have never seen any harm come to any Qadiani or minority; they were living in peace before this incident. Ahmadis are significant landowners and have encroached on government lands for a long time.
Witness A2:
No Muslim has ever harmed the Ahmadis. Instead, Ahmadi farmers are the ones who intimidate poor Muslims to suppress their voices and ensure they can control matters in the village as they wish. The Ahmadis possess hectares of agricultural land, and their sons have settled abroad; thus, they are not concerned about anyone because they are wealthy.
Witness A3:
Records can be checked; no Muslims have ever hurt Ahmadis. There is no instance on record of any Ahmadi or Christian being beaten due to their religious background. However, illegally, Ahmadis have buried their dead bodies in the graveyard reserved exclusively for Muslims. Some time ago, they started building a funeral prayer area for Ahmadiyya group members in the Muslim graveyard without permission. When the local Muslim community protested, the construction work was stopped.
Witness B:
Seven or eight months ago, the Ahmadis brought bricks and soil to build the funeral prayer area in the Muslim graveyard illegally. We informed the village leader, who escalated the matter to senior government officials. There was a potential for bloodshed, but due to the intervention of the authorities, the issue was resolved peacefully. The Ahmadis were stopped from their illegal activity and told to remove their materials, but the materials remain in the graveyard. Those who supported the police officers in resolving the issue were later marked and threatened by the Ahmadis. This is why an entire family was attacked—there was no other reason.
Witness C:
Ahmadis themselves claim they will continue to target others. All those identified in the graveyard incident will face even harsher treatment. For example, their mother was beaten—it was too much.
Victim 1: Shehzad
Shehzad belongs to a poor family living in the village. He was present at the demonstration against the illegal Ahmadiyya construction in the Muslim graveyard. A few days ago, Shehzad and his brother went to rescue their brothers, Ashfaq and Haider Ali, who were being beaten by the Ahmadis. Their mother also followed them. All of them, including their mother, were brutally attacked.
Shehzad says, “We have no conflict with the Ahmadis, nor do we hold any animosity towards them. My brother went to get a haircut and called me, saying he was being attacked by the Ahmadis. Three of us brothers—Altaf, Shehbaz, and I—went there to investigate. Later, my brother Nawaz and my mother joined us. The Ahmadis did not listen to us at all and started beating us. They dragged me toward their house, tore my shirt, tried to suffocate me, and hit me on my back with batons.”
Haider Ali recalls, “My brother and I were at a barber shop with our friends, laughing and joking. An Ahmadi overheard us and asked why we were joking with this boy. I told him it was none of his business. He swore at me, pushed me, and then started beating me. Around 25 people armed with batons and iron bars attacked us.”
Shehbaz, the elder brother, adds, “When I was informed, I went to rescue my brother. Shehzad accompanied me. As I asked what had happened, one of the Ahmadis pointed at me and told the mob, ‘This is the guy who was there at the graveyard.’ They dragged my brother away, and while I was standing there, I was struck on the head from behind with a baton or axe. I fell unconscious.”
Altaf, another elder brother, says, “It was a premeditated attack. About 25 to 30 people assaulted us. They hit my hand and broke my bones. A doctor confirmed the injuries in my medical report. They kicked me and struck me with batons on my head and back.”